Thursday, December 3, 2015

Green Eggs and Ham

What a fun morning we had!   We read the classic book "Green Eggs and Ham", then teacher Jenn dished up green-dyed scrambled eggs and ham slices. 
We would ask each student "Will you eat them here or there?   Will you eat them any where?" etc.
and challenged each apprehensive eater to try eating something new. 
Some discovered that "they do! they do! They DO like green eggs and ham!"
While others turned up their noses, and refused to try them.   Not even with a fox, on a box, with a mouse or on a house.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

HORTON hears a WHO!

This week, we celebrated the world of Dr. Seuss by watching the movie, Horton Hears a Who.
We were able to watch half of it this week, and will finish the second half next week.

During the last few minutes of class, we had a mini-discussion about why Horton was mocked for believing in a world that existed on a speck, and why it is so important to let our imaginations be free to create.  
The question was asked "If you could invent/create something, what would it be?"   We heard many fantastic answers, but I think my personal favorite was "A house that could clean itself"!

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Today we celebrated all things "wacky".   We began our adventure reading the book, Wacky Wednesday and really enjoyed finding all of the wacky, crazy things found in the illustrations. 

Then we walked to our classroom, opened the door - and BOY were things WACKY in there!!  There were shoes on the walls,  cups hanging from the ceiling, a die stuck to a map, the table was turned upside down, and the chairs were topsy-turvy.  Teacher Jenn grew purple hair, and Nalani's hair turned into all shades of the rainbow.

Next it was the students turn to use their imaginations and create their own wacky scenes.  Each was given sketch paper and crayons, and there was much giggling heard as humans with chicken legs were created, strollers growing from trees,  upside down words, and wacky houses were drawn.

A cupcake with wacky colored frosting was enjoyed by all.   So. Much. Fun...I cannot wait to see what kind of fun is to be had next week!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

the FOOT book

This week, we read the foot book, which focuses on OPPOSITE words...
(We are glad we don't have duck feet or fuzzy feet like some of the illustrations in the book).
After reading, we were pretty much foot "experts", so we tested our knowledge by matching the animal to his foot prints.  It turns out that it is difficult to distinguish cat tracks vs dog tracks.  And who knew bears had five toes?

Our next activity was a "memory" type game.  To win, we needed to match the opposite words:  up/down,  morning/night,    quick/slow,   etc.  Mark was our proud winner, who walked away with six pairs of matches!   What fantastic memories we all have.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hop on Pop

What fun it is to Hop on Pop and read words that rhyme!

Today, while Teacher Jenn read us the Dr Seuss book, we played Hop on Pop BINGO!  Whenever we recognized one of the words from the story that was on our board, we could put a cheerio marker on it. 
Damsel was our first one to get four in a row, but she convinced us that a black out is better!